DEI Programs Around Somerville


All around Somerville, members of our community are leading initiatives that celebrate diversity, promote equity, and support inclusion.  Here’s a sampling of some of those Somerville programs.

Holiday Docent Program.  An initiative of Somerville’s DEI Committee, the Somerville Holiday Docent Program brings parent volunteers into the classroom to introduce students to a broad array of cultural holidays that are celebrated by Somerville families.  For the 2023-2024 school year, the Holiday Docent co-chairs are Emily Han and Dershna Patel.

 International Day.   One of Somerville’s most beloved traditions, International Day celebrates the many countries that Somerville families have ties to.   During the school day, classes visit the gym where parent volunteers share posterboard presentations about countries around the world.  In the evening, Somerville families gather for cultural presentations and delicious foods. For the 2023-2024 school year, International Day will be held in April, and updates will be shared as the event approaches.

All-School Reads.  Somerville’s One School, One Book program has brought our school together to enjoy multicultural literature, including Zara’s Rules for Record-Breaking Fun by Hena Khan, Stuntboy, in the Meantime by Jason Reynolds, and Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin.

Author Visits and Assemblies.   Somerville promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion through author visits and all-school assemblies.  In recent years, Somerville has hosted Ruby Bridges (the civil rights activist who was one of the first students to desegregate the New Orleans public schools), Patcasso (the nationally recognized performance painter), Kelsey Tainsh (a motivational speaker who has overcome physical challenges), and Kelly Yang (author of Finally Seen).  For the 2023-2024 school year, the Assemblies & Author Visits Chair is Anna Salerno.

Learning Services Home and School Association. LSHSA is a parent volunteer organization that supports Ridgewood families going through the special education process.  LSHSA plans social, educational, and outreach events and fundraises to support extra-curricular opportunities for children receiving special education services through the Ridgewood public schools.  For the 2023-2024 school year, the Somerville LSHSA representative is Liz Kempey.