Somerville is excited to once again hold their annual fall plant sale!  All orders and payments will be placed in advance, and parents will be able to pick up their plants during regular school pickup.  All proceeds from the plant sale are used to fund the HSA and the various Somerville programs they support.

All orders will be placed in advance.   To order, complete this Google form:

Choose one of the two payment options and send payment separately. 
All orders and payments must be received by Friday October 1st at 8pm in order to be included.

Once you complete the order form, please send in your payment either via the Paypal link in the Google form or via check (made out to Somerville HSA) (Google form explains the payment options).

Pickup Instructions:

Plants will be available for pickup on Friday, October 8th from 2:30-3:15pm on the Somerville front lawn.

If you have any questions, please email Catie Kearns at

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