Help Spread the Joy of Art! Be a Somerville Art Docent!

Art Docent is your chance to volunteer in your child’s classroom to teach about a famous artist, a cultural craft, or a topic meaningful to your family.  Each presentation/activity will last 20 minutes, the majority of which is the kids creating their project.  You can create a simple slideshow, read a book, and/or demonstrate the activity. The HSA has art supplies for your use right in the school. No experience necessary!

Our Art Docent Co-Chairs will help you with ideas and organizing.  We will also host several information sessions to help you prepare.

The first informational session is this Friday Oct 12th @ 2:15 pm in the Somerville Library. There will also be a Zoom option available for this meeting. Zoom link:   There is also a general session on October 14th at the Ridgewood Library.

For more information, please contact the Art Docent Co-Chairs, Devletsah Alhanlioglu Ozcan ( and Jaclyn Carter (

While you are around the school be sure to look for new paintings/prints hung throughout the school provided by Tic Toc Theatre & Art.TIC TOC THEATRE & ART is a volunteer organization created to provide fine and performing arts experiences to students through our Art Docent Program and Sunday Afternoon Children’s Theatre Series.

The collection throughout the school now includes prints and paintings from the Renaissance and Impressionism featuring artists such as Michelangelo, Vermeer, Degas, Raphael, and Rubens.

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